Standard of Evidence for Protective Order Will Change October 1, 2014

On October 1, 2014 the standard of evidence for getting a protective order will change.  The process should remain the same, but the burden of proof is changing.  Prior to October 1st a petitioner has had to convince a judge by “clear and convincing” evidence that an abusive act had occurred before a judge could issue a protective order—as…

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New Marijuana Legislation in Maryland

New Marijuana Legislation: On Monday, April 14th, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed Senate Bill 364 which decriminalized possession of small amounts of Marijuana.  The legislation will go into effect on October 1st, 2014.  What it means: Decriminalization is not the same as legalization, and it is not true that marijuana will be legal in Maryland.  What is true…

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Alperstein Law supports Baltimore Child Abuse Center through Be a Hero event

The Baltimore Child Abuse Center recently hosted the “Be a Hero” event to promote awareness about child abuse and to engage the community with ways to prevent and respond to child abuse. The event honored members of the Baltimore community who have demonstrated a commitment to keeping children safe from sexual abuse. Alperstein & Diener is has…

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Defendant Werdesheim Granted PBJ

Alperstein & Diener criminal defense attorney, Andrew Alperstein, defended Eliyahu Werdesheim in a hearing on December 17th, 2013. Eliyahu Werdesheim was convicted of wrongful imprisonment and assault in May 2012. He received a three-year suspended sentence and three years of probation when he was sentenced in 2012. During the hearing on December 17th, the judge granted the…

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