Warren Alperstein Offers Legal Analysis on Officer Nero’s Trial

Alperstein & Diener attorney, Warren S. Alperstein, spoke with WBAL Radio 1090 regarding Officer Nero and the prosecution’s efforts to prove that he assaulted Freddie Gray during what they believe was an illegal arrest. Many law professors and defense attorneys – with no connection to the case – feel that the prosecution has not proved…

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Preparing a Financial Statement for Your Divorce

Family finances can often be a source of contention for all couples, even if they’re happily married. If a couple decides to pursue a divorce, the issue of money can become even more controversial, and is often the main point of conflict during the divorce process. The courts frequently require each partner to file a…

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Legal Analyst Warren Alperstein Explains Court of Appeals Decision Stemming from the Trials of the Officers Charged with the Death of Freddie Gray

Warren S. Alperstein offered legal analysis to the Boston Globe, regarding the Court of Appeals of Maryland ruling that Officer William Porter can be compelled to testify in the five remaining trials of the other officers charged with the death of Freddie Gray. Mr. Alperstein offered an explanation of what prosecutors should do in these…

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Warren Alperstein Quoted in WBAL-TV Breaking News Story

Alperstein & Diener attorney and legal analyst Warren S. Alperstein was quoted in WBAL-TV’s breaking news story regarding The Court of Appeals decision involving Officer William Porter. Maryland’s highest court ruled that the Officer Porter can be compelled to testify at the trials of the five other officers in the case surrounding the death of…

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Procedures Following a Hit-and-Run Accident

The attorneys at Alperstein & Diener explain the procedures that individuals should follow if they are a victim of a hit-and-run car accident. The term “hit-and-run” refers to being involved in a car accident and leaving the scene without stopping to identify yourself, exchange insurance information and provide assistance to anyone who may be injured.…

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Warren Alperstein to Present on Remaining Ethical While in the Public Eye at Upcoming BABC Event

Alperstein & Diener criminal defense attorney and former Baltimore City prosecutor, Warren S. Alperstein will speak at the upcoming Bar Association of Baltimore City (BABC) event, “Professional Responsibility, Publicity and the Public Eye: Maintaining Ethics in High Profile Cases.” This event is part of the BABC’s Continuing Legal Education series. Mr. Alperstein will present along with Adam Sean…

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